Back in 2014, I treated myself to a VIP pass to Moogfest (I’ll write about that another day because it was AWESOME in so many ways).

One talk I was super excited to attend was Forrest M. Mims III’s but realized at the last minute that it overlapped a builder session I’d already paid to attend.

If you don’t know the name, he’s pretty much a hero in the hobby electronics world. He had a monthly column in one of the magazines I treasured in the 70’s (Popular Electronics) in addition a whole series of books and kits sold at Radio Shack.

His books have this distinct hand-written style:

(snipped from his book Getting Started in Electronics)

Back to the Moogfest part of this, I snuck out of the builder session to see if I could sneak a peek at the beginning of his talk and to my surprise, he was standing outside the venue waiting to get set up.

He was super nice and chatty.

Apparently his wife Minnie is his “official” photographer and she volunteered to take this picture of us.

He’s still active with atmospheric observations on his Facebook page.